Holistic Hands Therapy
Reflexology is suitable for all ages and may bring relief to many conditions. It has been shown to:
- Relieve tension and stress inducing deep relation throughout the body. Stress is the main cause of many of our health issues.
- Improves blood circulation thereby helping every circulatory system in the body.
- Improves the body's waste removal and elimination.
- Rejuvenate energy and enhance the immune system.
- Promote our body's own self-healing. Our bodies are constantly trying to self-heal and rebalance from what we ingest through our diet and our environments.
- Holistic therapies treat symptoms as well as the cause. It rebalances the body regarding the physical and the psychological. With an in-depth, completely confidential consultation, I treat each person individually in the context of their own life. I will re-assess for changes during subsequent visits.
Treatment days and times are flexible.
Mondays and Tuesdays morning/afternoon.
Other days are possible and can be arranged over the phone.
Holistic Hands Therapy
- Athboy Community Centre, Athboy, Co. Meath, Ireland,
- Aisling Wright: 0871785905
- [email protected]
- holistic_hands_therapy
Holistic Hands Therapy
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